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Version: 2.8.0


This document describes the Prometheus metrics generated by Aperture Agents.

Flux Meter


flux_meterHistogramagent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, flux_meter_name, decision_type, http_status_code, flow_statusmsFlow's workload duration
invalid_flux_meter_totalCounteragent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, flux_meter_name, decision_type, http_status_code, flow_statuscount (no unit)Count of invalid FluxMeter readings


agent_groupdefaultAgent Group of the policy that FluxMeter belongs to
instanceaperture-agent-cbfnpHost instance of the Aperture Agent
jobaperture-selfThe configured job name that the target belongs to
process_uuiddc0e82af-6730-4f70-8228-ee91da53ac5fHost instance's UUID
flux_meter_nameservice1-demo-appName of the FluxMeter
decision_typeDECISION_TYPE_ACCEPTED, DECISION_TYPE_REJECTEDWhether the flow was accepted or not
http_status_code200, 503HTTP status code
flow_statusOK, ErrorFlow status. A common label to denote OK or Error across all protocols

Concurrency Limiter


workload_latency_msSummaryagent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, policy_name, policy_hash, component_id, workload_indexmsLatency summary of workload
workload_requests_totalCounteragent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, policy_name, policy_hash, component_id, workload_index, decision_type, limiter_droppedcount (no unit)A counter of workload requests
incoming_tokens_totalCounteragent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, policy_name, policy_hash, component_idsecondsA counter measuring tokens incoming into Scheduler
accepted_tokens_totalCounteragent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, policy_name, policy_hash, component_idsecondsA counter measuring tokens admitted by Scheduler


agent_groupdefaultAgent Group of the policy that Flux Meter belongs to
instanceaperture-agent-cbfnpHost instance of the Aperture Agent
jobaperture-selfThe configured job name that the target belongs to
process_uuiddc0e82af-6730-4f70-8228-ee91da53ac5fHost instance's UUID
policy_nameservice1-demo-appName of the policy.
policy_hash5kZjjSgDAtGWmLnDT67SmQhZdHVmz0+GvKcOGTfWMVo=Hash of the policy used for checking the integrity of the policy.
workload_index0, 1, 2, defaultIndex of the workload in order of specification in the policy.
component_id13Index of the component in order of specification in the policy.
decision_typeDECISION_TYPE_ACCEPTED, DECISION_TYPE_REJECTEDWhether the flow was accepted or not
limiter_droppedtrue, falseWhether this particular limiter has dropped the request.

Rate Limiter


rate_limiter_counter_totalCounteragent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, policy_name, policy_hash, component_id, decision_type, limiter_droppedcount (no unit)A counter measuring the number of times Rate Limiter was triggered


agent_groupdefaultAgent Group of the policy that FluxMeter belongs to
instanceaperture-agent-cbfnpHost instance of the Aperture Agent
jobaperture-selfThe configured job name that the target belongs to
process_uuiddc0e82af-6730-4f70-8228-ee91da53ac5fHost instance's UUID
policy_nameservice1-demo-appName of the policy.
policy_hash5kZjjSgDAtGWmLnDT67SmQhZdHVmz0+GvKcOGTfWMVo=Hash of the policy used for checking the integrity of the policy.
component_id13Index of the component in order of specification in the policy.
decision_typeDECISION_TYPE_ACCEPTED, DECISION_TYPE_REJECTEDWhether the flow was accepted or not
limiter_droppedtrue, falseWhether this particular limiter has dropped the request.



sampler_counter_totalCounteragent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, policy_name, policy_hash, component_id, decision_type, sampler_droppedcount (no unit)A counter measuring the number of times Sampler was triggered


agent_groupdefaultAgent Group of the policy that FluxMeter belongs to
instanceaperture-agent-cbfnpHost instance of the Aperture Agent
jobaperture-selfThe configured job name that the target belongs to
process_uuiddc0e82af-6730-4f70-8228-ee91da53ac5fHost instance's UUID
policy_nameservice1-demo-appName of the policy.
policy_hash5kZjjSgDAtGWmLnDT67SmQhZdHVmz0+GvKcOGTfWMVo=Hash of the policy used for checking the integrity of the policy.
component_id13Index of the component in order of specification in the policy.
decision_typeDECISION_TYPE_ACCEPTED, DECISION_TYPE_REJECTEDWhether the flow was accepted or not
sampler_droppedtrue, falseWhether this particular sampler has dropped the request.



classifier_counter_totalCounteragent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, policy_name, policy_hash, classifier_indexcount (no unit)A counter measuring the number of times classifier was triggered


agent_groupdefaultAgent Group of the policy that FluxMeter belongs to
instanceaperture-agent-cbfnpHost instance of the Aperture Agent
jobaperture-selfThe configured job name that the target belongs to
process_uuiddc0e82af-6730-4f70-8228-ee91da53ac5fHost instance's UUID
policy_nameservice1-demo-appName of the policy.
policy_hash5kZjjSgDAtGWmLnDT67SmQhZdHVmz0+GvKcOGTfWMVo=Hash of the policy used for checking the integrity of the policy.
classifier_index0, 1Index of the classifier in order of specification in the policy.

Flow Control Summary

Flow Control Metrics

flowcontrol_requests_totalCounteragent_group, instance, job, process_uuidcount (no unit)Total number of aperture check requests handled
flowcontrol_decisions_totalCounteragent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, decision_typecount (no unit)Number of aperture check decisions
flowcontrol_reject_reasons_totalCounteragent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, reject_reasoncount (no unit)Number of reject reasons other than unspecified

Flow Control Labels

agent_groupdefaultAgent Group of the policy that FluxMeter belongs to
instanceaperture-agent-cbfnpHost instance of the Aperture Agent
jobaperture-selfThe configured job name that the target belongs to
process_uuiddc0e82af-6730-4f70-8228-ee91da53ac5fHost instance's UUID
decision_typeDECISION_TYPE_ACCEPTED, DECISION_TYPE_REJECTEDWhether the flow was accepted or not
reject_reasonREJECT_REASON_RATE_LIMITED, REJECT_REASON_NO_TOKENS, REJECT_REASON_REGULATEDReason why FlowControl Check response rejected the flow.

Distributed Cache Metrics

distcache_entries_totalGaugeagent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, distcache_member_id, distcache_member_namecount (no unit)Total number of entries in the DMap
distcache_delete_hitsGaugeagent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, distcache_member_id, distcache_member_namecount (no unit)Number of deletion requests resulting in an item being removed in the DMap
distcache_delete_missesGaugeagent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, distcache_member_id, distcache_member_namecount (no unit)Number of deletion requests for missing keys in the DMap
distcache_get_missesGaugeagent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, distcache_member_id, distcache_member_namecount (no unit)Number of entries that have been requested and not found in the DMap
distcache_get_hitsGaugeagent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, distcache_member_id, distcache_member_namecount (no unit)Number of entries that have been requested and found present in the DMap
distcache_evicted_totalGaugeagent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, distcache_member_id, distcache_member_namecount (no unit)Total number of entries removed from cache to free memory for new entries in the DMap

Distributed Cache Labels

agent_groupdefaultAgent Group of the policy that FluxMeter belongs to
instanceaperture-agent-cbfnpHost instance of the Aperture Agent
jobaperture-selfThe configured job name that the target belongs to
process_uuiddc0e82af-6730-4f70-8228-ee91da53ac5fHost instance's UUID
distcache_member_id384313659919819706Internal ID of distributed cache cluster member.
distcache_member_name10.244.1.20:3320Internal unique name of distributed cache cluster member.

Scheduler Metrics

wfq_flows_totalGaugeagent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, policy_name, policy_hash, component_idcount (no unit)A gauge that tracks the number of flows in the WFQScheduler
wfq_requests_totalGaugeagent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, policy_name, policy_hash, component_idcount (no unit)A gauge that tracks the number of queued requests in the WFQScheduler
token_bucket_lm_ratioGaugeagent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, policy_name, policy_hash, component_idpercentageA gauge that tracks the load multiplier
token_bucket_fill_rateGaugeagent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, policy_name, policy_hash, component_idtokens/sA gauge that tracks the fill rate of token bucket
token_bucket_capacity_totalGaugeagent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, policy_name, policy_hash, component_idcount (no unit)A gauge that tracks the capacity of token bucket
token_bucket_available_tokens_totalGaugeagent_group, instance, job, process_uuid, policy_name, policy_hash, component_idcount (no unit)A gauge that tracks the number of tokens available in token bucket

Scheduler Labels

agent_groupdefaultAgent Group of the policy that Flux Meter belongs to
instanceaperture-agent-cbfnpHost instance of the Aperture Agent
jobaperture-selfThe configured job name that the target belongs to
process_uuiddc0e82af-6730-4f70-8228-ee91da53ac5fHost instance's UUID
policy_nameservice1-demo-appName of the policy.
policy_hash5kZjjSgDAtGWmLnDT67SmQhZdHVmz0+GvKcOGTfWMVo=Hash of the policy used for checking the integrity of the policy.
component_idroot.13Index of the component in order of specification in the policy.