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2 posts tagged with "basic conconcurrency limiting"

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· 7 min read
Sudhanshu Prajapati

Graceful degradation and managing failures in complex microservices are critical topics in modern application architecture. Failures are inevitable and can cause chaos and disruption. However, prioritized load shedding can help preserve critical user experiences and keep services healthy and responsive. This approach can prevent cascading failures and allow for critical services to remain functional, even when resources are scarce.

To help navigate this complex topic, Tanveer Gill, the CTO of FluxNinja, got the opportunity to present at Chaos Carnival 2023 (March 15-16), which happened virtually, the sessions were pre-recorded. Though, attendees could interact with speakers since they were present all the time during the session.

· 14 min read
Sudhanshu Prajapati

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Service meshes are becoming increasingly popular in cloud-native applications, as they provide a way to manage network traffic between microservices. Istio, one of the most popular service meshes, uses Envoy as its data plane. However, to maintain the stability and reliability of modern web-scale applications, organizations need more advanced load management capabilities. This is where Aperture comes in. It offers several features, including: