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Version: 2.7.0

Bare Metal/VM

The Aperture Agent can be installed as a system service on any Linux system that is supported).


The Aperture Agent can be installed using packages made for your system's package manager, like dpkg or rpm.

To install Aperture Agent, first download the package for your manager from the Releases Page.

Alternatively, download it using the following script:

echo "Will download ${PACKAGER} package version ${VERSION} compiled for ${ARCH} machine"
curl --fail --location --remote-name "${url}"


sudo dpkg -i aperture-agent_2.7.0*.deb

To point the Aperture Agent at etcd and Prometheus deployed by the Aperture Controller, edit the configuration file located at /etc/aperture/aperture-agent/config/aperture-agent.yaml.

All the configuration parameters for the Aperture Agent are available here.


The default configuration disables the FluxNinja ARC Extension for the Aperture Agent. If you want to keep it enabled, add parameters provided here.

After installing, you should enable the aperture-agent systemd service, and make it start after system boot:

sudo systemctl enable --now aperture-agent

Currently, configuration watcher and automatic reload aren't supported. If you modify the configuration file, do restart the service:

sudo systemctl restart aperture-agent

You can then view service status:

sudo systemctl status aperture-agent

To view the logs, when the default log configuration is used, you can use journalctl:

journalctl -u aperture-agent --since "15 minutes ago"


Download the updated package and follow installation steps. Remember to restart the service after installation is complete.


Stop the Aperture Agent service:

sudo systemctl stop aperture-agent

Optional: Remove the agent configuration:

sudo rm /etc/aperture/aperture-agent/config/aperture-agent.yaml

Uninstall the package:

sudo dpkg -r aperture-agent