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Version: 2.7.0

Aperture Agent


The Aperture Agent is the decision executor of the Aperture system. In addition to gathering data, the Aperture Agent functions as a gatekeeper, acting on traffic based on periodic adjustments made by the Aperture Controller. Specifically, depending on feedback from the controller, the agent will effectively allow or drop incoming requests. Further, supporting the controller, the agent works to inject information into traffic, including the specific traffic-shaping decisions made and classification labels which can later be used for observability and closed loop feedback.


All the configuration parameters for the Aperture Agent are listed here.

Installation Modes

The Aperture Agent can be installed in the following modes:


Upgrading from one of the installation modes below to the other is discouraged and can result in unpredictable behavior.

  1. Kubernetes

    1. Install with Operator

      The Aperture Agent can be installed using the Kubernetes Operator available for it. This method requires access to create cluster level resources like ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding, CustomResourceDefinition and so on.

      The Aperture Agent can be installed as a Kubernetes DaemonSet, where it will get deployed on all the nodes of the cluster.

      The Aperture Agent can also be installed as a Sidecar. In this mode, whenever a new pod is started with required labels and annotations, the agent container will be attached with the pod.

    2. Namespace-Scoped Installation

      The Aperture Agent can also be installed with only namespace-scoped resources.

  2. Bare Metal or VM

    The Aperture Agent can be installed as a system service on any Linux system that is supported.

  3. Docker

    The Aperture Agent can also be installed on Docker as containers.