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Version: 2.7.0

Agent Group

Agent Group

Agent group is a flexible label that defines a collection of agents that operate as peers. For example, an agent group can be a Kubernetes cluster name in the case of DaemonSet deployment of Agent, or it can be a service name for sidecar deployments of Agent.

When employing sidecar mode, it's advisable to name the agent group based on the respective service, therefore fostering a unified agent group for all pods within a service. For instance, all pods within the 'Checkout' service can be defined under the same agent group.

In DaemonSet mode, the Kubernetes cluster name typically becomes the agent group name, which applies to all agents deployed on each node. This ensures all Agents spanning the entire cluster comes under the same agent group.


Agent group can be configured at the agent during installation, refer to agent config

Where does Agent Group help?

  • Complex Environments: It helps manage multiple agents efficiently within intricate environments, like Kubernetes or multi-cluster installations. Basically, helping scale Aperture configuration.

  • State Synchronization: an agent group defines the scope of agent-to-agent synchronization, with agents within the group forming a peer-to-peer network to synchronize fine-grained state per-label global counters that are used for rate-limiting purposes. Additionally, all agents within an agent group instantiate the same set of flow control components as published by the controller.