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Version: development

aperturectl blueprints generate

Generate Aperture Policy related resources from Aperture Blueprints


Use this command to generate Aperture Policy related resources like Kubernetes Custom Resource, Grafana Dashboards and graphs in DOT and Mermaid format.

aperturectl blueprints generate [flags]


aperturectl blueprints generate --name=rate-limiting/base --values-file=rate-limiting.yaml

aperturectl blueprints generate --name=rate-limiting/base --values-file=rate-limiting.yaml --apply


      --api-key string         FluxNinja ARC API Key to be used when using Cloud Controller
--apply Apply generated policies on the Kubernetes cluster in the namespace where Aperture Controller is installed
--controller string Address of Aperture Controller
--controller-ns string Namespace in which the Aperture Controller is running
-f, --force Force apply policy even if it already exists
--graph-depth int Max depth of the graph when generating DOT and Mermaid files (default 1)
-h, --help help for generate
--insecure Allow connection to controller running without TLS
--kube Find controller in Kubernetes cluster, instead of connecting directly
--kube-config string Path to the Kubernetes cluster config. Defaults to '~/.kube/config' or $KUBECONFIG
--name string Name of the Aperture Blueprint to generate Aperture Policy resources for
--no-validation Do not validate values.yaml file
--no-yaml-modeline Do not add YAML language server modeline to generated YAML files
--output-dir string Directory path where the generated Policy resources will be stored. If not provided, will use current directory
--overwrite Overwrite existing output directory
-s, --select-all Apply all the generated Policies
--skip-verify Skip TLS certificate verification while connecting to controller
--values-file string Path to the values file for Blueprint's input

Options inherited from parent commands

      --skip-pull        Skip pulling the blueprints update.
--uri string URI of Custom Blueprints, could be a local path or a remote git repository, e.g. This field should not be provided when the Version is provided.
--version string Version of official Aperture Blueprints, e.g. latest. This field should not be provided when the URI is provided (default "latest")