aperturectl uninstall
Uninstall Aperture components
Use this command to uninstall Aperture Controller and Agent from your Kubernetes cluster.
-h, --help help for uninstall
--kube-config string Path to the Kubernetes cluster config. Defaults to '~/.kube/config'
--namespace string Namespace from which the component will be uninstalled. Defaults to 'default' namespace (default "default")
--timeout int Timeout of waiting for uninstallation hooks completion (default 300)
--values-file string Values YAML file containing parameters to customize the installation
--version string Version of the Aperture (default "latest")
- aperturectl - aperturectl - CLI tool to interact with Aperture
- aperturectl uninstall agent - Uninstall Aperture Agent
- aperturectl uninstall controller - Uninstall Aperture Controller
- aperturectl uninstall istioconfig - Install example Istio EnvoyFilter