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Version: 2.6.0

Get Started

This guide will help you get started with Aperture in few steps. To begin with you need to prepare your application to have Aperture integrated. Aperture can be integrated in multiple ways. You can choose the one that best suits your application.

Setting up your Application: Pick your Integration

  1. Manually setting feature control points

    Using Aperture SDKs, it is easier to manually set feature control points in your application. There are SDKs available for multiple languages. You can find the list of SDKs here.

  2. Middleware Insertions

    To make it easier to integrate Aperture in your application, we have created middleware for popular frameworks like Spring Boot, Netty, Armeria see available middleware. With the help of middleware, there isn't much code changes required in your application. Some middleware doesn't require any code change at all.

  3. Service Meshes (Istio, Envoy) & API Gateways

    Aperture can be integrated with service meshes like Istio and Envoy. You can find the list of service meshes here. With help of service meshes, you can control the flow of traffic in your application without any code change. It is recommended to use service meshes for Aperture integration as it is easier to get started with and doesn't require any code change. You can also integrate Aperture with API gateways, checkout the supported API Gateways.

Installing Aperture

  1. aperturectl

    Aperture includes its own CLI tool called aperturectl. You can use this tool to install Aperture in your Kubernetes cluster. Not just installation, it can help you do a many other things like creating policies, preview live traffic, and so on.

    Begin with Aperture installation by heading over to the Installation section.

  2. Helm

    Although there is a Helm chart available for installing Aperture, we recommend using aperturectl as it provides an easier and less cumbersome way to get started.

Your First Policy

As mentioned earlier, aperturectl is one of the powerful tools provided by Aperture. It assists in creating policies, previewing live traffic, and more. Let's explore how to create our first policy using aperturectl in the Generating and Applying Policies section.