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Version: 2.6.0


Aperture is built on a distributed architecture that provides a unified observability and controllability platform for cloud-native applications. The architecture is designed to ensure high availability, scalability, and reliability.

flowchart TD blueprints[/"Blueprints"/] policies[/"Policies"/] subgraph controller["Aperture Controller"] circuit["Control Circuit"] end subgraph databases["Aperture Databases"] prometheus[("Prometheus")] etcd[("etcd")] end subgraph discoverydb["Discovery Databases"] k8sdiscovery["Kubernetes"] consul["Consul"] end subgraph orchestrators["Orchestrators"] k8s["Kubernetes"] end subgraph worker["Worker Node (Kubernetes/VM/Bare-metal)"] subgraph agent["Aperture Agent"] discovery["Discovery"] telemetry["Telemetry Collector"] flowcontrol["Flow Controller"] autoscaler["Auto Scaler"] end subgraph serviceinstance["Service Instance"] servicelogic["Service Logic"] servicemesh["Service Mesh"] end subgraph gateways["Gateways"] Kong["Kong"] Nginx["Nginx"] end end blueprints --> |aperturectl| policies policies --> |Kubernetes Custom Resource| controller controller<--> |Configuration/Telemetry/Flow Control| databases databases<-->|Configuration/Telemetry/Flow Control|agent agent <--->|SDK: Telemetry/Flow Control| servicelogic agent <--->|Telemetry/Flow Control| servicemesh agent <--->|Telemetry/Flow Control| gateways orchestrators <-->|Auto Scale| agent discoverydb <-->|Discovery| agent

Aperture Controller

The Aperture Controller is the central component of the platform. The controller monitors the system using an in-built telemetry system and collects metrics on service performance and workloads, including information on customer tiers, request types, and other relevant attributes.

The controller uses declarative policies, expressed as a control circuit, to analyze the collected metrics and make decisions on load throttling, workload prioritization, and auto-scaling to ensure that the application operates within the specified SLOs. The controller's policies are based on the principles of Observability-driven closed-loop automation, which continuously track deviations from service-level objectives (SLOs) and calculate recovery or escalation actions.

The controller's policies are stored in a policy database and are managed using the Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition (CRD) API, allowing users to configure and modify policies as needed. The controller interacts with Aperture Agents to enforce the policies and ensure the reliable operation of cloud-native applications.

Aperture Agents

Aperture Agents are the workhorses of the platform, providing powerful flow control components such as a weighted fair queuing scheduler for workload prioritization and a distributed rate-limiter for abuse prevention.

A flow is the fundamental unit of work from the perspective of an Aperture Agent. It could be an API call, a feature, or even a database query.

The agents monitor service and infrastructure health signals using an in-built telemetry system. In addition, a programmable, high-fidelity flow classifier is used to label requests based on attributes such as customer tier or request type. These metrics are then analyzed by the Aperture Controller.

Aperture Agents schedule workloads based on their priorities, helping maximize user experience or revenue even during overload scenarios. Similar to boarding an aircraft, first class passengers get priority over other passengers; every application has workloads with varying priorities. For example, a video streaming service might prioritize a request to play a movie by a customer over running an internal machine learning workload. A SaaS product might prioritize features used by paid users over those being used by free users. Graceful degradation of services is achieved by prioritizing critical application features over background workloads.

Aperture Agents can be installed on a variety of infrastructure such as Kubernetes, VMs, or bare-metal. They integrate with Service Meshes or can be used with SDKs to provide flow control capabilities. Additionally, agents work with auto-scaling APIs for platforms such as Kubernetes, to help scale infrastructure when needed.

Aperture Databases

Aperture uses two databases to store configuration, telemetry, and flow control information: Prometheus and etcd. Prometheus enables Aperture to monitor the system and detect deviations from the service-level objectives (SLOs) defined in the declarative policies. Aperture Controller uses etcd (distributed key-value store) to persist the declarative policies that define the control circuits and their components, as well as the current system state.

Users can optionally reuse their existing etcd or scalable Prometheus installations to minimize operational overhead and use their existing monitoring infrastructure.